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Membership Information and Expectations:


Rehearsals take place every Tuesday from 7.00pm – 9.00 pm

at the


Bainbridge Centre

Methodist Church

187 Old Taupo Road








Regular attendance is paramount. Absences occur from time to time and if you are unable to attend you should inform the current conductor or your sectional leader where possible. A third option is to advise the choirs’ secretary by email to


If you are absent for more than three rehearsals, eligibility to sing in a concert will be at the conductor’s discretion.


You are expected to practice at home between choir nights and attend occasional additional rehearsals and any scheduled workshops.


You will be expected at times to undergo a voice check with one of the conductors and to sign an enrolment form outlining the responsibilities and expectations of membership.


If you need to take time away from the choir it is expected that you either complete a leave of absence form and hand it to the committee secretary or alternatively send an e mail to:




WOMEN: Long floor length black skirt, or long black dress trousers, black V necked top with ¾ sleeves, black shoes and black stockings. In addition simple earrings and a plain chain necklace may also be worn.


MEN: Long black trousers, black long sleeve shirt, black shoes, black socks.


Scarves for women and ties for men are supplied.




Annual Subscription: $80 


Annual subscriptions are used to cover choir costs such as music purchases and the day to day running costs of the choir. It is usual for subscriptions to be paid as a one off payment at the commencement of a new calendar year however any queries regarding payment methods or timings can be directed to any member of the committee.


The preferred method of payment is electronically to:

The Rotorua District Choir Incorporated  Kiwibank 38 9022 0264198 00


If you have any questions about this, please email 




©2019 Rotorua District Choir.

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